Swirl Pick and Mix Quilt Pattern
Creative Card Quilt Pattern
Claire Turpin Designs
Claire's new range of Pick & Mix Creative Cards show you how to turn a cushion pattern into a quilt - perfect for those that only want to sew a small amount of appliqué but want to add that extra uniqueness to a pieced quilt.
Finished Size of Swirl Quilt: 60 x 66 inches (152cm x 168cm).Creative Card pattern for the Swirl Quilt only. This pattern does not include the applique pattern. The applique pattern is purchased separately as it can be interchanged with various applique cushion patterns.
The range has 9 different pieced designs which can all be made using the Pick & Mix tool and there is a wonderful assortment of appliqué cushion patterns that can be used to add appliqué to the quilt design.
Please Note: The Pick & Mix template/tool is essential to complete this pattern. Please make sure you have purchased the template/tool to accompany this product which can be found Here